What You Say Mean More Than What You Mean....

They say that when you speak and use a lot of profanity, (swear words for those who don't know), you are labeled as some one who is either ignorant or with a poor vocabulary. However, that isn't always the case. You can be honest by only expressing yourself. That is the power of words, but like everything in life for something positive there is always a negative.

There are people that use words in place of other words, (slang for some who didn't catch the hint), but what some might think is slang and cool to say may not know that there is deeper meaning in the word that they are saying.  Day in and day out I know we all hear the word "Nigga" used to describe a fellow friend which comes from the word "Nigger", which is also an ethnic slur derived from the word "Negro". (Negro: A member of a Negroid Race), which is basically a race or Brown or Black pigments.

I'm not the type of guy to ever leisurely pick up and read a book which some can tell by my writing, but I actually read this book and will actually recommend it to all minorities...

1 comment:

SimoneLesley said...

I think I have a great vocab, but I happen to swear like a truck driver. Will definitely have to look into that book though,