Through out the years we have heard a lot of songs that are strongly based on sexual stimulation. In society sex sells there is no argument about that. But has some one ever sat and dissected what is being said or thought of the reality of what the musician is saying and Im not talking about calling head "Becky" because Plies says it, or anything that Too Short has ever said but more so in a classic that everyone knows as well as a more recently released track; Sexual Healing By Marvin Gaye and of course Medicine By Plies. Two completely different genres of music but still used to send a similar message. Everyone listens and says "oh he need/wants sex to feel better." How about we take a look at what doctors have to say about this. These may be all random facts, but who would ever think that something so pleasurable my be so healthy as well.
Sex Fact
-During 30 min of active sex a person burns approximately 200 calories
-A male that has sex at least once per week lowers the his chances for heart disease by 30% Diabetes 40% Stroke 50%
-Endorphins released during sexual activity creates a euphoria similar to that produced by opiate drug use. These same endorphins also act as an extremely effective pain killer.
- According to the museum of sex, the vibrator was originally used as a medical treatment for female "Hysteria"..
-Kissing is good, the extra saliva this is exchange helps teeth from decaying. With 60 seconds of kissing you lose 26 calories
-Sperm has a tightening effect on the skin, when left to dry it leave behind protein which help reduce wrinkles
-When women make love the produce amount of the hormone estrogen which makes there hair shine and skin smooth
-Men making Love reduces the chances of suffering from dermatitis (skin rashes & Blemishes)
-Sex is an instant cure for mild depression
So when you hear the phrases, "sexual healing" or "let me be your medicine" don't just think of the hooks to a track but that enough actual bumping and grinding can do the body good.. So freaks be freaks, it can lead to a healthier life....
Sexual Healing-Marvin Gaye