The Pursuit of Happiness...

Yes, the blog is inspired by the movie, but its crazy how we put ourselves in a positions to be successful because to us, that is what will make us happy. But to the college students reading this, have you ever sat and thought if you could be happy in the long run without having to pay so much money? To those who can't afford college or choose not to come are you happy? Do you think that college is a way to gain happiness?

Well the answer to all those questions are no. Happiness isn't generally found in material things. There is always a deeper meaning to a persons happiness. Hence why happiness can be obtained in so many different ways.

We are not happy individually. There are just moments in your life that make you happy or events that occur that make you happy."

The quote may sound strange but think deep about it. If you receive a material thing, it's not the item that makes you happy, but actually what the item can do for you that brings you happiness. Maybe just the fact that you received this item made you happy. In regards to relationships, it comes down to what you gain from the relationship because it is possible to be in an unhealthy or unhappy relationship. In college it's easy to explain. Someone is always doing all the work in order to get a piece of paper to show your ability to do something. At the end of the day all the time and work that was put in will bring you your happiness!!!!

The THRILL Of The Chase!!!!

The title is clearly self explanatory, but the meaning is not always understood. It's something males and females both do, but it may be for different reasons. A male may want see how far a female is willing to go with out having to be in a relationship. A female may want to see how close and open she can get a male with out a relationship. One thing is certain, no matter what the gender, the motive is personal gratification.

~A Female Perspective~
A girl likes all the attention they receive during "the chase". If a girl gets a great deal of attention too easily, and too fast, she will get bored. If she doesn't get enough attention then you risk losing HER attention. Once it's lost it's harder to get it back. You only get one first impression. I'm sure there are girls who like to do the chasing, but i can't think of any off the top. The most important thing is maintaining a balance. In my opinion, if you give a girl EVERYTHING she wants, you're setting yourself up to either get left or get played. There needs to be a medium of give and take. So in order to preserve the longevity of the "thrill", make sure your chase is more of a steady jog, rather than a sprint. ( Ms. Anonymous)

~A Male Perspective~
‎​The thrill of the chase comes from the satisfaction we as guys feel when we 'conquer'. When a girl tells you, "you ain't gonna bag", you gonna do everything in your power to change her perception of you. We do the little things cause we wanna prove her wrong. And once we convince, its a small victory for our ego.
(Mr. Anonymous)

These are the perspectives offered by two actual people of the opposite gender, I didn't make the shit up. You notice that they both do it for two different reason. But that's not to say that is how ever Male/Female feels. We can easily just swap the to gender and the perspectives would still make sense.