The Pursuit of Happiness...

Yes, the blog is inspired by the movie, but its crazy how we put ourselves in a positions to be successful because to us, that is what will make us happy. But to the college students reading this, have you ever sat and thought if you could be happy in the long run without having to pay so much money? To those who can't afford college or choose not to come are you happy? Do you think that college is a way to gain happiness?

Well the answer to all those questions are no. Happiness isn't generally found in material things. There is always a deeper meaning to a persons happiness. Hence why happiness can be obtained in so many different ways.

We are not happy individually. There are just moments in your life that make you happy or events that occur that make you happy."

The quote may sound strange but think deep about it. If you receive a material thing, it's not the item that makes you happy, but actually what the item can do for you that brings you happiness. Maybe just the fact that you received this item made you happy. In regards to relationships, it comes down to what you gain from the relationship because it is possible to be in an unhealthy or unhappy relationship. In college it's easy to explain. Someone is always doing all the work in order to get a piece of paper to show your ability to do something. At the end of the day all the time and work that was put in will bring you your happiness!!!!